Lausnirnar okkar
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Fréttir og fróðleikur
Icepharma tekur þátt í ýmsum verkefnum og viðburðum sem snúa
að íslensku heilbrigðiskerfi og þróun velferðartækni hér á landi.
“Heimahjúkrun á Akureyri fór í innleiðingu á lyfjaskömmturum frá Evondos snemma árs 2022. Icepharma sem þjónustar þessa tæknilausn á Íslandi hefur reynst okkur gríðarlega vel og samstarf verið til fyrirmyndar. Icepharma veitir faglega og góða þjónustu sem og einnig er starfsfólk aðgengilegt þegar eitthvað er varðandi þessa tæknilausn. Með innleiðingu lyfjaskammtaranna hefur okkur tekist að; fækka vitjunum, auka öryggi og bæta meðferðarheldni skjólstæðinga.”
“The team shows such passion for aiding performance in care through welfare technology and they have both knowledge and experience to draw from when it comes to applying technology in the Icelandic welfare sector. Icepharma have proven to be a great partner and it is a true pleasure working with them.”
“Icepharma has a very professional team of experts and with whom it’s been pleasant and easy to cooperate from the beginning. We’ve found experienced counterparts to our own experts in all the needed focus areas. Communication with Icepharma’s experts has worked well throughout our cooperation. Icepharma’s representatives are easy to approach and also challenging aspects in cooperation can be discussed openly. Shared challenges are met in good atmosphere and with a solutions-oriented approach. Icepharma has been a great help in entering the Icelandic market, which might appear challenging at times. We’re glad that we have Icepharma as our partner.”